When driving a motorhome, try to avoid these dangerous roads. 

1. James Dalton – Alaska Highway

  • Filled with potholes
  • Gravel and dirt raod
  • Wind gusts and flying rocks
  • Freezing temperatures

2. Highway 550 or Million Dollar Highway – Colorado

  • Narrow road with no guardrails
  • Few shoulders
  • Twists and turns
  • Rockslides
  • Unpredictable weather

3. Old Fall River Road – Colorado

  • Narrow and gravel road
  • No guardrails
  • One way uphill

4. Highway 70 – Colorado

  • Flat and open road
  • Winds can get up to 70 or 80 miles an hour

5. Highway 17 – Beaufort County, South Carolina

  • Very hilly like you’re on a roller coaster
  • Narrow road with blind curves
  • Animals crossing the street

6. Highway 2 – Montana

  • Wild winds and mountains
  • Crazy drivers that speed down the road

7. Going to the Sun Road – Glacier National Park, Montana

  • Narrow and windy road
  • Rocky cliffs
  • Park rangers will stop anyone with a vehicle that is longer than 21 feet

8. Interstate 10 – Arizona

  • Hot desert
  • Remote area

9. 89A from Flagstaff to Sedona – Arizona

  • Steep angle
  • Not many guardrails
  • Might have to drive in the opposite lane

10. State Route 1 or Highway 1 – California

  • Narrow road with no shoulders
  • Steep cliffs
  • Rocks and boulders frequently fall
  • Motorhomes and buses over 40 feet long are not allowed

11. Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway or Highway 4 – California

  • Steep hairpin turns

12. Sonora Pass or Highway 108 – California

  • Steep curves
  • Vehicles over 25 feet and trailers are not recommended

13. State Route 190 – California

  • Extreme heat which is not good for an RV

14. Moki Dugway – Utah

  • Steep turns and twists

15. Teton Pass Highway – Wyoming

  • Steep twists
  • Bad weather conditions
  • Moose crossing

To avoid these roads and other dangerous ones, download RV Life and/or RV Trip Wizard