Local Spotlight: Nacogdoches Farmers Market
Nacogdoches, Texas isn’t only home to Motorhomes of Texas, it also has many other things to offer travelers, one of them being the local Farmers Market located at 107 W. Pearl St. This lucky find in the “Oldest Town in Texas” offers an assortment of home goods including: home-grown produce, baked goods, Texas artisan cheeses, organic chicken and beef, free range eggs, handcrafted wooden items, flowers, herbs, homemade soaps, candles, ceramics, locally-made fruit wines, jewelry, plants, honey, and more.
The Farmers Market is open every Saturday, year-round, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and they have seasonal market times that begin in April and continue through the end of summer. The main reason to visit the Farmers Market is all the different categories you get to browse through, plus you can talk face-to-face with farmers, and other vendors about their products. Some of the vendors allow people to go view their farms as well so they can see where their product comes from.
Plus, if you happen to stop in Nacogdoches during the Farmers Market Fall and Spring Flings, you won’t be disappointed.
During these Flings, you can listen to music, watch clogging performances, visit the petting zoo, get your face painted, and so much more. To find out the specific dates for the Flings, you can visit nacogdochesfarmersmarket.com for more details. So, if you’re stopping in at Motorhomes of Texas to get an oil change, a general check-up, or just to say hi, you can’t miss out on the Farmers Market in Nacogdoches.